Whither the imaginary Dunleavy Office of Food Security?

While the imaginary Alaska Office of Food Security continues in stealth mode, undetected by the public, the recommendations of the emergency food security task force have failed to draw any public notice from Gov. Mike Dunleavy.

The Alaska Office of Food Security, which Dunleavy claimed to have created last fall, led by a state PR employee who doubled as a campaign PR man, does not have a budget, a phone number, a real office or a website on which to post the findings of the food security task force. The task force finished its work in early March. Here is the final report.

All we have so far is a new task force that is to study the results of the old task force. It appears the sense of urgency ended with the election.

While the Dunleavy publicity squad tries to fire up the fanbase with hogwash about library books and scare tactics about schools, the task force report and imaginary food office are neglected.

The new task force has one member so far, former Dunleavy adviser Brandon Brefcynski, now an executive at the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority. The 34 other positions on the task force are vacant.

There are noteworthy elements in the report that the imaginary Office of Food Security should be communicating to the public. Since that is not happening, I will try to get into some of them here in the days ahead.

Below is the summary of strengths and weaknesses in our system and the list of infrastructure needs. This is going to require leadership from the governor and Legislature.

We need to hear something from the imaginary Office of Food Security other than a report that the new task force is going to plow the same ground once more.

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