Tshibaka continues to repeat election lies, unchallenged by Alaska news orgs

Kelly Tshibaka has done everything to attach herself to Donald Trump, currying his favor by repeating his lies about the results of the 2020 election.

Alaska news organizations have failed to examine Tshibaka’s two-year tenure as administration commissioner and neglected to challenge her robotic assertions that Trump had the 2020 election stolen from him.

On Friday, the Anchorage Daily News said Tshibaka “casts doubt on the validity of the 2020 election, pointing to Arizona and Pennsylvania as states where she questions results.”

Next we may learn that apples don’t fall from trees and read that she “casts doubt on the validity of the law of gravity.”

The reporters and editors of the Anchorage Daily News are failing the public by allowing her nonsense to stand unchallenged.

Here’s my challenge.

Tshibaka has been harping on her Arizona claims for more than a year, despite the repeated investigations and declarations by responsible entities that have proven she is wrong.

As the Arizona Republic newspaper put it Friday, “no effort to overturn the outcome worked because nobody stole votes from Trump. Elections workers did their jobs admirably, as they always do. Ballots were verified and counted correctly.”

On the Steve Bannon podcast in December, Tshibaka repeated her usual line of nonsense that no one knows if Biden really won the election.

"So Steve, we also have Democrats, common-sense Democrats who don’t line up with this leftist Biden administration, who wonder about the 2020 election. And whether we ever actually get to the bottom of it, I don’t know, this might be a question we all have on our deathbeds, what actually happened,” she said.

“Here’s what we do know. The Cyber Ninja report from Arizona’s audit said that the Arizona audit never, or the Arizona election never should have been certified. That’s not what fake news mainstream media tells you. They tell you oh they find that Biden won. No they didn’t. They use what appear to be generally accepted auditing standards, remember I have an audit background. I read the report, I think they assume most Americans won’t because again, they think America’s stupid. The report said it never should have been certified. When you have that kind of a finding you have a problem.”

Here’s what we do know. Tshibaka’s campaign fable, which she delivers as fast as possible in a tone of outrage to suggest secret conspiracies and avoid dealing with facts, falls apart upon examination.

The Cyber Ninja report praised by audit expert Tshibaka turned out to be a sham.

In the end, the partisan Arizona election report showed Biden picking up votes in Arizona. Even key Republicans in Arizona recognized it as a con job that uncovered no evidence of a fraudulent election.

"We noticed the auditors buried this fact: their ballot recount was nearly identical to the county’s count, and the official results stand," Jack Sellers, GOP chairman of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, said Sept. 24. "The Cyber Ninjas’ opinions come from a misuse and misunderstanding of the data provided by the county and are twisted to fit the narrative that something went wrong."

The Arizona Republic summed up the situation: “The county conducted its own audits following the 2020 vote, as it had done in previous elections. Auditors found ‘no problems with equipment, no manipulation of the software code, no malware, and no connection to the internet.’”

The Cyber Ninjas praised by Tshibaka last December are no longer in business, their work exposed as a partisan farce.

The story is the same in Pennsylvania, where there is also nothing to back up Tshibaka’s claims.

The 65 project, named for the 65 baseless lawsuits brought by lawyers across the country to overturn the election results, is trying to disbar lawyers who took part in Trump’s election lies.

Tshibaka is a lawyer, licensed to practice in Maryland, she deserves the scrutiny of the 65 project. That group is targeting Sen. Ted Cruz and others for ethics violations.

Biden won the election. Trump wants to overthrow the elected leader of the country. Tshibaka is OK with that.

She has turned her back on the rule of law and chosen to put flattery of Trump above defending the peaceful transition of power, while spreading dangerous lies that put our nation at risk.

Alaska news organizations have failed to explain this to Alaskans.