Reporting From Alaska

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Dunleavy, Palin and Tshibaka accept Trump's lies in pursuit of power

When Donald Trump travels to Alaska and starts telling lies about Sen. Lisa Murkowski, count on Mike Dunleavy, Sarah Palin and Kelly Tshibaka to stand by and smile.

That Trump will lie is a given. What’s important for Alaskans to think about is what the July 9 event in Anchorage says about Dunleavy, Palin and Tshibaka, who are all willing to bow down and kiss the ring.

To keep in good graces with Trump, the three of them have accepted the biggest Trump lie of all—that the 2020 election was stolen from him.

The so-called “Complete and Total Endorsement” from Trump goes only to those who pledge their complete and total loyalty. The price of admission for the Alaska Trump Trio is to be complicit.

Dunleavy, Pain and Tshibaka have somehow managed to avoid the scrutiny of Alaska news organizations about why they treat Trump’s election lies as true, despite the dozens of recounts and court decisions that showed Biden won the election.

In failing to correct Trump, Dunleavy, Palin and Tshibaka are lying to Alaskans.

Palin has eagerly embraced Trump’s lies despite the lack of evidence of fraud. She was echoing Trump’s nonsense about voter fraud in 2016 and started claiming the 2020 election was rigged after Biden won. She strings together rumors about “shenanigans” and never fails to mention the aide to Obama who voted absentee in Alaska in 2008.

“Well, primaries can be fixed, and debate questions can be fixed, and dead people can vote,” she said in 2016. Palin has never provided any proof to justify her claims that no one can be sure that Biden won.

Tshibaka has used many of the same tactics.

Sowing seeds of doubt and claiming there are unanswered questions—in the face of overwhelming evidence and countless investigations that have removed all doubt—is the Trump scam Tshibaka is trying to sell.

Tshibaka will never admit the truth because she is a Trump sycophant, who gained his blessing because she is the tool for Trump’s attempt to get revenge against Murkowski. The ability of Murkowski to think for herself enrages Trump.

On the Steve Bannon podcast in December, Tshibaka repeated her usual line of nonsense that no one knows if Biden really won the election.

"So Steve, we also have Democrats, common-sense Democrats who don’t line up with this leftist Biden administration, who wonder about the 2020 election. And whether we ever actually get to the bottom of it, I don’t know, this might be a question we all have on our deathbeds, what actually happened,” she said.

Biden won the election. Trump wants to overthrow the elected leader of the country and seeks to destroy anyone who tells him the emperor has no clothes.

By courting Trump’s support and flattering the former president, Dunleavy, Palin and Tshibaka are willing to put their personal pursuit of power above all else, spreading dangerous lies that put our nation at risk.

Speaking at the Reagan Library Wednesday, Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney said it may be painful for Republicans, but they have to make a choice. They cannot both be loyal to Trump and loyal to the U.S. Constitution.

She said many Republican leaders have “made themselves willing hostages to this dangerous and irrational man.”

Hostages Dunleavy, Palin and Tshibaka have opted for the dangerous and irrational man.