Reporting From Alaska

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Governor's office directs state agencies to stock pro-Dunleavy propaganda

Forget the old magazines, Gov. Mike Dunleavy’s office has directed state agencies to keep a big supply of a flyer touting his alleged accomplishments on hand for public dispersal.

The governor’s office has printed a one-page flyer of Dunleavy’s “2019 accomplishments.” This is bound to become a collector’s item.

“Please display these handouts in your reception area for guests to take,” a “Dear Department” letter from the governor’s office tells state agencies, adding that “if you need more,” contact the governor’s office to resupply.

“Guests” who visit state offices deserve better than forced exposure to one-sided campaign material and an assortment of dubious claims. The state shouldn’t be spending public money this way.

The flyer does not mention the recall, but that’s what this is about. Plus, the flyer does not mention his inability to work with the Legislature, his rule-by-veto approach to government and his failure to develop a financial plan that recognizes the need for state services and revenue measures to pay for them.

Supporters of the recall should prepare a one-page response to the governor’s propaganda and ask that stacks of the sheet be made available in all reception areas for “guests” at state offices who want a more complete presentation.